A randy tourist has lifted the lid on a debauched sex island holiday where Brits and Americans romp with Colombian hookers and use experimental drugs.
After the controversial vacation caused an outcry in Colombia when it was first publicised last year, the organisers moved the trip to a “drug-friendly” Caribbean island in December.
And the decadent four-day event is returning this year and once again promises unlimited drugs and orgies for sex tourists willing to pay nearly £4,600 for a “golden” ticket.
According to sources, it was reported that one of last year’s guests revealed that every customer chooses two “latina” girls who spend the entire holiday granting their every sexual desire.
Ryan, 33, a dentist from New York, revealed how the orgies began just minutes after the 30 guests boarded a luxury yacht taking them and 60 hookers to the private tropical island.
The married father-of-two also told how drugs and sexual psychostimulants were freely available and how every man was allowed an hour with 15 girls all at once.
Guests have unlimited access to drugs and booze on the debauched island getaway
He also revealed that a fellow guest was a “very famous Canadian pop star” who he immediately recognised.
Ryan, who told his wife he was going on a work trip, said: “I read a story about Sex Island in a New York newspaper and said, ‘wow, I need to do that’“
After I paid the money they sent me a golden ticket with my name on it.”
“There were 30 of us altogether, all men except for one couple. Most were professional guys, doctors, lawyers, aged between 25 and 50. Half of them were married.
“There were some nerds from Silicon Valley who had never done this kind of thing before and were nervous at the beginning.
“There were two Brits, a businessman and a lawyer. There were Australians and Canadians, and a lot of Americans.
“There were two big pop stars from Canada. I immediately recognised one of them, he’s very famous and it quite took me back.
“The other is his friend and although I didn’t know who he was I later saw on the internet that he is pretty big too.”
The licentiousness began as soon as the group stepped foot on the luxury boat, Ryan claims.
He said: “The yacht was full of beautiful latina women, dancing and drinking. As we got on we were handed drinks and people started to loosen up.
“Each man had to choose the two girls who would keep them company during the entire trip.
“Just 15 minutes into the trip I was already on a bed with them.
“All the other men were happy with their girls, except one who had arrived last and wanted a skinny girl and began to complain that his was too curvy.
“They quickly got rid of the girl he’d been left with and found another girl of the type he wanted.”
Once on the island, the guests were taken with their two hookers to their rooms, which had giant beds, in a luxury five-star hotel.
He said: “The resort was very impressive, really like a tropical paradise.
“There was a buffet restaurant with unlimited food, a golf course and tennis courts, as well as the beach.
“But of course the men were all just interested in one thing.
“Some of them didn’t sleep for the whole four days, they just stayed awake night and day to make the most of their two girls.
“If you got tired of the same girl, you could do a deal with another guest and do a swap.
Ryan said he was happy